Call Postdoc Fellow (R2/R3)
QM - Quantum Mechanics
Complete the following questionnaire for - IC2025_03_01 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Computing (259.23 KB)
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, offers a Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Computing, in Mathematical Physics area( MP), Quantum Mechanics (QM). The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Mikel Sanz. This position is part of the European Quantum Technologies Flagship project OpenSuperQPlus and a collaborative project with IBM funded by BasQ, the Basque Government's initiative to promote Quantum Technologies.
Deadline: March 24th 2025, 14:00 CET
Applications will be evaluated in a continuous manner, with a response period no longer than 4 weeks after the call deadline.